Boyd J. Ramsey
Boyd Ramsey has been a leader within the geosynthetic, environmental containment and waste disposal industries for over 25 years. He has a long history as an employee of GSE Environmental LLC . He has been involved with the design and selection of containment systems at several of the world largest cities including New York City at the Fresh Kills facility, in Hong Kong, at the NENT facility and other regional landfills and hundreds of other municipal disposal sites in the United States and around the world. Additionally, he has been involved in hazardous waste disposal at sites in the USA such as the Savannah River Superfund site with the US Department of Energy and disposal facilities at the Oak Ridge and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories and other locations.
He is currently the Finance Chairman for the International Geosynthetics Society and Secretary / Treasurer of the IGS Foundation. His past IGS positions include two 4 year terms elected to the IGS Council, 6 years as Chairman of the IGS Technical Committee on Barriers and other committees. He is the past chairman of the Geosynthetic Materials Association the leading industry organization lobbying for the advancing the use of geosynthetics within the USA and global markets. He served for over a decade on the Board of Directors of the Geosynthetic Institute.
Employment and association history
1/17 to Present
Boyd Ramsey Consulting LLC, Houston, Texas
Principal and owner of this sole proprietorship, independent consultancy. www.boydramseyconsulting.com
7/96 to 12/16
GSE Lining Technology Inc., Houston, Texas
Technical Director – Asia Pacific
Responsible for new product, market and application development and strategic recommendations. Industry representative for trade groups, governmental and regulatory lobby efforts and industry research institutes including the national EPAs, national bodies of engineers and other global, national, state and local agencies.
Past Positions within GSE:
- 2/10 to 8/15: Chief Engineer
- 3/08 to 2/10: Vice President – Global Technical Business Development
- 1/01 to 3/08: Vice President – North American Sales
- 7/96 to 1/01: Manager, Materials Engineering
Past Chairman Executive Council: Geosynthetic Materials Association
Member Executive Council: International Geosynthetics Society – Benefactor, Chairman-Finance Committee, Secretary/Treasurer of the Board of Trustees – International Geosynthetics Society Foundation, Past IGS Council elected member, Past Chair Technical Committee-Barriers.
Past Member and Chair, Board of Directors: The Geosynthetic Institute, Philadelphia, PA
7/91 to 7/96
Thermofil Inc./Nippon Steel Chemical Co., Brighton, MI
Manager, Technical Service and New Product Development
Leadership of Kaizen/continuous improvement, ISO 9000 / QS 9000 and STOP safety teams.bISO 9001 Quality Auditor – Management Representative.
3/87 to 7/91
Ferro Corp. Horizon Polymers Division, Houston, TX.
Plant Manager, Technical Manager
Plant Manager of a 65-employee 40MM lb./year plastics compounding facility.
12/85 to 3/87
Reef Industries, Houston, TX
Technical Director
Technical management responsibility for blown film, cast film, extrusion coating, lamination and four-color printing lines.
2/82 to 12/85
Americhem Inc., Elgin, IL
Technical Service Representative
Promoted twice within two years at this specialty plastics compounder.
Education and Affiliations
- University of Illinois: Bachelor of Science, Chemistry 1985
- Member American Chemical Society, Society of Plastics Engineers, and American Society of Civil Engineers
- Board of Directors: The Geosynthetic Institute, Philadelphia, PA, (Past-chairman)
- Company Representative: American Coal Ash Association, International Association of Geosynthetic Installers and other industry groups
- US Patent # 04988236: Polymeric tape with Biocide
- US Patent # 6802672: Leachate Distribution System
- US Patent # 7470094B2: Round Strand Geosynthetic
Ramsey. B. “White Polyethylene Geomembrane: forensic and laboratory evidence for superior durability”, in review.
Ramsey, B. “Improvements and Advances in Construction Quality Assurance for Geosynthetics”, Proceedings of the 17th African Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Capetown, South Africa (2019).
Ramsey B., et.al., “New technique for predictive geomembrane stress crack performance: Commercial application” Proceedings of the 11th International Congress on Geosynthetics, Seoul, Korea (2018).
Ramsey, B., Corbett S., “Developments and guidance in global geosynthetic specification and regulations”, Proceedings of the 11th International Congress on Geosynthetics, Seoul, Korea (2018).
Ramsey B., “Geomembrane selection criteria: an update for today’s products” Proceedings of GeoAfrica 2017, Marrakesh, Morocco (2017).
Ramsey B., Liu N., Geutebrück E., “A Field Demonstration of a Conductive Geomembrane – Distance Testing” Proceedings of GeoAmericas 2016, Miami Beach, Florida, (2016).
Ramsey B., Liu N., Geutebrück E., “A Field Demonstration: Monitoring of a Leak Location Liner /Geomembrane For Leakage” Proceedings of GeoAmericas 2016, Miami Beach, Florida, (2016).
Diviacchi, V. and Ramsey B., “Advances in Geomembranes: Leak Location Liner: Geomembrane Barrier Systems with Increased Integrity” Proceedings of the 68th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Québec, Canada, (2015).
Ng H.B., Weir, I and Ramsey B., “ Enhanced Post Installation Liner Integrity Surveys using Electrically Conductive Geomembrane” Proceedings of the 7th ISSMGE conference, Melbourne, Australia, (2014).
Ramsey, B.J., “Market Impacts for Geosynthetics from the Regulation of the Storage of Coal Combustion Residuals in North America”, Proceedings of 10th International Congress on Geosynthetics, Berlin, Germany, (2014).
Ramsey, B.J., “Advances in geomembranes: Leak location liner: Geomembrane barrier systems with increased integrity”, Proceedings of 10th International Congress on Geosynthetics, Berlin, Germany, (2014).
Ramsey, B.J. and Aho A., “Market Impacts For Geosynthetic From The Regulation Of The Storage Of Coal Combustion Residuals”, Proceedings of Geosynthetics 2013, Long Beach, California (2013).
Ramsey, B.J., “A Brief History of Geosynthetic Drainage Media”, Proceedings of the 25th GRI Conference, Long Beach, California (2013).
Ramsey, B.J., Betke, W., Peggs, I., “Storage Of Coal Combustion Residuals With A Geosynthetic Liner A 30 Year Forensic Study”, Proceedings of Geosynthetics 2013, Long Beach, California (2013).
Ramsey B. J., Youngblood J,. Gallagher D. and Peggs I., “New Electrically Conductive Geomembrane For Post Installation Liner Integrity Surveys, Proceedings of EuroGeo5, Valencia, Spain (2012).
Ng H.B. and Ramsey B.,” Geosynthetic Lining System for Modern Waste Facilities – Experiences in Developing Asia”, Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA Vol. 43 No.3 September 2012 (ISSN 0046-5828).
Gallagher D., Youngblood J., Ramsey, B., ” New Electrically Conductive Geosynthetics in Support of Post Installation Liner Integrity Surveys”, Proceedings of GeoAmericas 2011, Lima, Peru, (2011).
Ramsey, B.J. and Aho A., “Geosynthetic Market Impacts of Potential Regulation of the Storage of Coal Combustion Residuals”, Proceedings of GeoAmericas 2011, Lima, Peru, (2011).
Li, M. and Ramsey, B.J., “An Experimental Study of Water and Air Transmissivity of Nonwoven Geotextiles and Geonet Composites”, Proceedings of Geosynthetics 2009, Salt Lake City, Utah (2009).
Ramsey, B.J. and Youngblood, J., “Characterization of Textured Geomembrane Predictive of Interface Properties: Demonstration of a New Technology, Proceedings of the 22nd GRI Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah (2008).
Narejo, Dhani et al. “The GSE Drainage Design Manual” Company publication; GSE Lining Technology Inc. 2004.
Narejo, D., Hardin, K. and Ramsey, B.J., “Geotextile Specifications: Those Vexing Qualifiers”, Geotechnical Fabrics Report, volume 19, number 7, September 2001.
Erickson, Richard et al. “The GSE GundSeal GCL Design Manual” Company publication; GSE Lining Technology Inc. 2000.
Karian, Harutun G. et al. Handbook of Propylene and Propylene Composites 1st ed. New York, Marcel Dekker Inc. 1999.
Keegan, N. and Ramsey, B.J., “Accelerated Weathering Performance of White, Light Reflective Polyethylene Film and Sheet Samples”, Proceedings of the 12th GRI Conference, Philadelphia, PA (1998).
Keswani, S.T, Chundury, D. and Ramsey, B.J., “Kink Resistant Medical Tubing: Design Considerations and Effect of Material Properties”, Proceedings of the Medical Design and Device Conference, New York, NY (1990).
Ramsey, B.J and Kempthorn, J.T., “Gas and Vapor Transmission in Medical Packaging Film Materials”, Proceedings of the Medical Design and Device Conference, Anaheim, CA (1988).