Sustainability performance 2024

As we approach year end, I report on my sustainability performance in 2024.

Much like the recent past years, my environmental impact and sustainability decision-making have remained at the forefront of my activities. While I have not always made the most optimal decisions, I am content with my individual contribution. LOTS of reuse and recycling, low consumerism, many many trips to the déchèteries (sort of a super recycling center – waste is separated into 20 or so types, optimizing recyclization). I make a trip to the garbage dumpster about twice a month with a small sack. I have not flown in 2024 and continue to reduce auto usage. As an individual, I am heading in the right direction…

My failings: I continue to play golf (local course that follows FFG guidelines to minimize impact) I still own and operate an automobile. I own and occasionally use a weed whacker on the lawn (these are horrible in terms of environmental emissions). I continue to heat with fuel oil, although an energy efficient wood furnace will be installed in January. Other failings, I am certain.

My concerns: I have become increasing pessimistic about global humanities “big” choices. An article by Sally Rooney in the Irish Times : sums it up well and a reading of the UN Sustainable Development Goals report 2024 does not report a positive outcome. We are stuck in “fast decision” mode and ignoring long term trends and consequences…as we humans do (book by Daniel Kahneman,_Fast_and_Slow). I hope I am wrong.

I will continue to work to improve my performance here.