
Ramsey to travel (!) to Australia

Ladies and Gentlemen, Australian and NZ friends and colleagues,

I will consult for food….well, actually for money, but I promise to use the money to buy food! Assuming declining covid and open borders, I will be coming to Australia for a long visit, June 1 to July 15. I already have a plane ticket.

The primary purpose is to attend the IGS Australasian chapters conference event, GeoANZ #1 (link, in Brisbane June 7-9th, I would encourage you to attend. But in addition to that I offer geomembrane and geosynthetics expertise on a more specific basis. I am available for educational presentations, updates on the latest activities in geosynthetics and site visits. I can help you solve and understand your geosynthetic issues and problems.

My website is listed below, in case you wish to learn more about me. I would love to hear from you and look forward to seeing you’all in person and meeting people again!

Best regards, wear the masks and be safe.

Boyd Ramsey speaks at Australian digital environmental conference

In the first of what I expect to be many digital events, I presented at the Australian Land and Groundwater Association 2020 EcoForum in September 2020. The ALGA website is here and I offer my compliments as they did a good job with the changes to a digital event. My presentation focused on the use of geomembrane materials for capping of contaminated sites, particularly sites with PFAS contamination. The presentations were pre-recorded with a session group Q and A presented at scheduled times. As I am certain that more and more events will move to digital content, I think this was a great start, both for myself, ALGA and the participants.

Ramsey completes China tour

Boyd Ramsey has recently completed a brief tour of China with lectures at technical events and Engineering Design Institutes and site visits in the interior of China.   The two-week tour covered several sites and cities and focused on new technological advances in geosynthetic barriers and installation methodologies and techniques.  The China market continues to lead in the area of continuous monitoring of the performance and integrity of barrier systems and new advances in that technology were a focus of the trip. 

Boyd Ramsey lectures at The Ohio State University

On October 27th, Boyd Ramsey lectured at The Ohio State University.   This was as a portion of the Flexible Geomembrane Institute Short Course, the Geosynthetic Materials Association was a co-sponsor.  Read more

Continuous Monitoring of Barrier Integrity

It is now possible to confirm the performance of a geosynthetic barrier system on a continuing “real-time” basis. While this is relatively new technology the performance has been very impressive. Cost are, of course, higher when installing continuous monitoring, but they are certainly very reasonable relative to the potential costs of spills and environmental contamination at more dangerous and critical sites (hazardous wastes, slurry and mobile liquid containments and sites with existing environmental issues).

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