Boyd Ramsey delivers Geomembrane Market size presentation in Dusseldorf

On November 6th, 2018 at the AMI Waterproof Membranes conference held in Dusseldorf, Boyd Ramsey delivered a presentation on the global size, scale and composition of the geomembrane marketplace.   Read more

Boyd Ramsey attends 11th ICG in Seoul Korea

Boyd Ramsey attended the 11th International Congress on Geosynthetic held in Seoul, Korea in September.  The international conference, held every four years, was very well attended and also very busy.  In addition to the IGS Council meetings, Boyd presented two papers and chaired a technical session and the IGS Technical Committee on Barriers meeting.  At the IGS General Assembly, Boyd was re-elected to Chair the IGS Finance Committee. Read more

Ramsey delivers a series of lectures to the Australian market on geosynthetic drainage materials

During the first week of August 2018 Boyd Ramsey presented a series of lectures on geosynthetic drainage materials. The lecture series was presented by Global Synthetics and included Richard Brachman of Queens University on geomembrane topics and Kent von Maubeuge discussing GCLs. Events were held in Perth, Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne. Read more

Ramsey lectures at IGS GeoBarriers Workshop in Munich

Boyd Ramsey was one of several lecturers and participants at the IGS GeoBarriers Workshop in Munich, Germany June 6 and 7, 2018.  Read more

Ramsey repeats at Ohio State Short Course

On April 19th, Boyd Ramsey again lectured at The Ohio State University. This was as a portion of a repeat of the Flexible Geomembrane Institute Short Course. The event was very well attended, with approximately 65 engineers, regulators, students and installers. Read more

Boyd Ramsey attends GMA strategy session

On February 20, 2018 Boyd Ramsey attended a GMA strategic planning session in his role as immediate past-chairman.  The goal of the session Read more

Boyd Ramsey lectures at Educate the Educators – Chennai, India

On February 5th and 6th 2018, Boyd Ramsey lectured as a part of the IGS India Chapter Educate the Educators program. The program was held on the IIT Madras campus in Chennai, India and attended by over 40 professors and instructors in the India university system. Read more

Boyd Ramsey lectures at The Ohio State University

On October 27th, Boyd Ramsey lectured at The Ohio State University.   This was as a portion of the Flexible Geomembrane Institute Short Course, the Geosynthetic Materials Association was a co-sponsor.  Read more

Ramsey presents new paper at GeoAfrica in Morocco

In addition to the IGS Council meeting and other activities in Morocco, Boyd Ramsey gave a presentation on his most recent paper: Geomembrane selection: recommendations for today’s products. The conference was very successful with over 400 attendees and a fairly even split between international and local participants. Read more

Ramsey article on coal ash regulations published in Geosynthetics magazine

For those interested in coal ash storage regulations, there is a new article from Geosynthetics magazine.  Part one is available now and  is linked here:
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